MQL5 features
Language Basics【MQL4言語の基本】
Data Types【データ型】
- Integer Types【整数型】
- Real Types (double, float)【浮動小数点数型(実数)】
String Type |
string型(文字列型) |
Structures, Classes and Interfaces |
Dynamic Array Object |
Typecasting |
Void Type and NULL Constant |
User-defined Types |
Object Pointers |
References: Modifier & and Keyword this |
Operations and Expressions【演算子と式】
Expressions |
Arithmetic Operations |
Assignment Operations |
Operations of Relation |
Boolean Operations |
Bitwise Operations |
Other Operations |
Precedence Rules |
Compound Operator |
Expression Operator |
Return Operator |
Conditional Operator if-else |
if-else 条件処理 |
Ternary Operator ?: |
Switch Operator |
Loop Operator while |
Loop Operator for |
for ループ処理 |
Loop Operator do while |
Break Operator |
break 処理 |
Continue Operator |
Object Create Operator new |
Object Delete Operator delete |
Object-Oriented Programming
Updated MQL4
Constants, Enumerations and Structures【定義済み定数・構造体】
Chart Constants
Objects Constants【オブジェクト定数】
Object Properties |
Methods of Object Binding |
Chart Corner |
Visibility of Objects |
Gann Objects |
Web Colors |
ウエブカラー |
Wingdings |
Wingdings文字 |
Arrow codes |
Indicator Constants【インジケーター定数】
Price Constants |
Series Array Identifiers |
Smoothing Methods |
Indicators Lines |
各種インジケーター別ライン定数 |
Drawing Styles |
Custom Indicator Properties |
Environment State
Trade Constants
Named Constants
Data Structures
Codes of Errors and Warnings
Input/Output Constants
MQL4 programs
Predefined Variables
Common Functions
Array Functions
Conversion Functions
Math Functions
String Functions
Date and Time
Account Information
Market Info
Timeseries and Indicators Access
Chart Operations
Trade Functions【取引関数】
OrderClose |
OrderCloseBy |
OrderClosePrice |
OrderCloseTime |
OrderComment |
OrderCommission |
OrderDelete |
OrderExpiration |
OrderLots |
OrderMagicNumber |
OrderModify |
OrderOpenPrice |
OrderOpenTime |
OrderPrint |
OrderProfit |
OrderSelect |
OrderSend |
OrderSend()関数 |
OrdersHistoryTotal |
OrderStopLoss |
OrdersTotal |
OrderSwap |
OrderSymbol |
OrderTakeProfit |
OrderTicket |
OrderType |
Trade Signals
Global Variables of the Terminal
File Functions【ファイル関数】
FileFindFirst |
FileFindNext |
FileFindClose |
FileIsExist |
FileOpen |
FileOpen()関数 |
FileClose |
FileCopy |
FileDelete |
FileMove |
FileFlush |
FileGetInteger |
FileIsEnding |
FileIsLineEnding |
FileReadArray |
FileReadBool |
FileReadDatetime |
FileReadDouble |
FileReadFloat |
FileReadInteger |
FileReadLong |
FileReadNumber |
FileReadString |
FileReadStruct |
FileSeek |
FileSize |
FileTell |
FileWrite |
FileWriteArray |
FileWriteDouble |
FileWriteFloat |
FileWriteInteger |
FileWriteLong |
FileWriteString |
FileWriteStruct |
FolderCreate |
FolderDelete |
FolderClean |
FileOpenHistory |
Custom Indicators
Object Functions
Technical Indicators【インジケーター関数】
Working with Events
Obsolete functions
List of MQL4 Functions
List of MQL4 Constants